Happy Birthday Baby P! 5.5 lbs of grins, giggles and perfection. Mommy and Daddy are sure to be glowing with pride as they enjoy waking up to this gorgeous little man each and every day. I remember Audrey contacting me a few weeks before P. was scheduled to arrive. Even then, I could sense her excitement through our phone calls and emails--it was infectious. I found myself waiting for the notice that he had arrived and they were ready to introduce me. Finally that day came--I was driving on I-64 when the phone rang. Luckily a girlfriend was with me and able to answer my phone. When she repeated who the caller was I couldn't stop grinning to myself knowing that I would be heading home to set up the studio space to welcome a brand new miracle.
I couldn't have asked for a better baby either! P. was such a sleepy little one who didn't mind when I moved him, picked him up, or curled him around. Even when he opened his sleepy little eyes, he simply looked, took a breath and fell back into an easy sleep. Such a gorgeous little baby boy for two amazingly gorgeous parents.
Congratulations again Audrey and Chip---your little boy is a precious miracle.