Not your skinny no fat latte kinda photographer!

My photo
I am a down to earth kinda gal with a camera! I love to shoot anything and everyone, not something you can typically say about your job. I am from a small beach town near Jacksonville, Florida, and wouldn't have had it any other way. The beach is my second home--my retreat and inspiration. I have been called charismatic yet laid back---its a wonderful blend! My style includes bold colors, and fresh black and whites--classic meets contemporary with a twist of that beach lifestyle~

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy Birthday To You!!!! Erin Colleen Photography, Event Photographer Newport News, VA

on April 23, 2006 Jacob Lucas was born into this world. Now, 3 years later we were celebrating his birthday again! It was a fabulous day (actually celebrated two days later) with a bounce house from Jump Start Your Fun, lots of yummy food, and the best friends ever!

Jake will surely remember this birthday not only because of the fun he had but because he received a special present from his "Uncle" Matt. Yesterday he received his very first pet. Jake is now the owner of "Fishy" the Beta Fish. All morning he has been sitting near the table talking to Fishy and telling him things!

I still cant believe my little man is 3 years old. He's so smart and handsome! I know that all parents believe this about their children and thats okay. I am just so proud of him and thankful to have him. Happy Birthday my little man! I love you.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jake! Gosh, I can't believe he's 3 already!! What a cute birthday boy her is!

Gillian said...

I can't help wondering if that's slime or icing on the green cupcake! LOL Great pics! He's a real cutie!!q

Wiseman Photography said...

By the looks of it those cupcakes rocked!!! Happy Birthday, what nice captures to remember him and the party by!!!

Katherine said...

They grow so fast! Happy Birthday Jake!

Rhonda said...

what fun! Love these.

Erin said...

Looks like a great time was had by all, love the cupcakes!

Mel Chern said...

Cute documentation of a fun time!

Mel Chern

Carri M. said...

Check out that green tongue. Lol. Happy Birthday Jake. Enjoy your first pet.

evie said...

That last shot is a fave of mine!! Happy Birthday Jake!

MPH Photography said...

Awe, happy birthday to your sweet lil boy. I'm right there with you as my youngest turns 3 on Sunday, party and cake and tears too, as I always get weepy at my boys's birthdays. Looks like he really enjoyed himself, hope my boy likes his party just as much.

Jordan Lyall Photography said...

Great shots! Looks like everyone had tons of fun - I love those cupcakes!

Jeannette Chirinos Gold said...

Happy Birthday to your little man!
I'm wondering if he will share some of the cupcakes with me
love cup cakes, and also we love Cars ( my son is a #1 fan)
has everyting, even the bed , lol
Beautiful Pictures

My Crafty Mama said...

Oh Happy Birthday little man! Love the color in these!

Anonymous said...

Oh, they grow up so fast! Greats shots.

Mary said...

Happy Birthday!!! what awesome photos!!

Karen Johnson said...

lol love the cupcakes, and that last photo especially :)

Amber Rhodes-Lapoint said...

Love the last one..this looks like so much fun.

Becky said...

What fun!
That GREEN icing - -- oh my!! LOL
Too cute

Patricia Stuever said...

OMGosh look at that green tongue! :D CUTENESS!!

Tiffany Lense said...

Love the green cupcake tongue!

Andrea @ Chasing Strength said...

those cupcakes look yummy!! Great pictures.

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