Not your skinny no fat latte kinda photographer!

My photo
I am a down to earth kinda gal with a camera! I love to shoot anything and everyone, not something you can typically say about your job. I am from a small beach town near Jacksonville, Florida, and wouldn't have had it any other way. The beach is my second home--my retreat and inspiration. I have been called charismatic yet laid back---its a wonderful blend! My style includes bold colors, and fresh black and whites--classic meets contemporary with a twist of that beach lifestyle~

Sunday, June 7, 2009

FORE!!!!! Newport News Sports Photographer

Nothin says lovin like heading out for a round of golf! I had the pleasure in playing in a foursome today with newlyweds Brad and Jessica! It was my first time officially out on a course and Jessica's too I believe. The guys were VERY understanding and willing to lend a hand to show us how it was done. All in all it was a great day spent with great people! I didn't do great, but I had NO water hazards and finished only losing 2 balls!!! All in all it was a wonderful way to spend a Sunday morning!


Stacey Lund said...

Such a cool idea. Love the shot.

EC said...

Good for you! Golf is hard, I think and I'm impressed with your achievements!

Rhonda said...

Great idea. Love golf. Perfect spot!

Mel Chern said...

Cute images and great idea. Lovely way to spend some time.

Jeannette Chirinos Gold said...

great images
I was telling my husband that I should give it a try to golf, all our friends are playing, maybe I should too, at least to know

My Crafty Mama said...

How fun! What a sweet guy to help out. lol

~Jen~ said...

What fun!

Tyjuana Hill-Smith said...

Great shot!!!

Gillian said...

LOL Love your blog post title! What a great idea!

Shannon Kelley said...

great shot!! I'm sure you did much better than I would have:)

Mary said...

Sounds like such a fun day. I LOVE golf - but only dared to bring my camera with me out on the course once. There are so many great photo ops, though.

The question is - do you think you'll go out and play again? It can become terribly addicting!

Anonymous said...

I love this shot of your friends! Looks and sounds like it was a great morning!

MPH Photography said...

Looks like a good time was had by all. Great shot.

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