Jacob Lucas and his gorgeous blue eyes. Thats all I can see when I look at these shots.

For once, he was happy to stand and have his picture taken. Believe me, despite being a photographer's child he has few "great" pictures. Jacob hates the camera most days, preferring to keep his head down or simpy run away when he sees me reaching for it. Today though, was completely different, and it was today that I was able to really get my favorite pictures of my son. My son who I remember holding in the hospital not quite three years ago when he was born. My son who my mother swore up and down that I deserved as I complained to her about him coloring on the floor. My son who I look at each day and can never quite decide if he looks more like me or my husband. Today though, he I know exactly who he looks like. He looks like Jacob Lucas.
And the perfect Jacob Lucas he it!!!
What a precious boy. His eyes are beautiful and I love the hat.
What gorgeous eyes he has! These are beautiful great work!!
Awe, great shots, and what you wrote was so moving and what a darling lil boy, and so handsome too, and of course love his big blue eyes. My youngest will not pose and i wait for those days when they are in the mood. Looks like this was one of those days for Jacob and glad you jumped on the opportunity, you'll treasure these forever i'm sure.
Love the outfit. Love the eyes. And most of all, Love the attitude. He looks like he was having fun with it. My kids always give me the same forced smiles even if they are actually having fun. I try to sneak the camera out, but as soon as they see it the mood changes. Jacob did great in these.
These are so cute! I love his blue eyes. Your images are so vibrant!
Your son has gorgeous stunning blue eyes! What a heart breaker! Love these photos and your photography style!
what an adorable handsome young man, look at that smile!
Adorable! Love the outfit and great light in the eyes...really shows how happy he is!
Mel Chern
What a doll! LOVE that last one :)
What a handsome little guy! Those eyes are beautiful! Nice work!++
He is so stylin' in that hat. Love those eyes and that smile. Looks great.
What a little gentleman, these are fantastic!
He is too cute and I love the "duds", he's Stylin'!!
I love that last one he his very handsome!
Such a cute little fella! Love these!
what a handsome little dude! gorgeous work!
Love the first one!! Glad he let you take some pictures.
Oh my dear. He is sooooo cute! What gorgeous peepers!
What a handsome boy, love the hat! Great clarity and color! ++
This is such a sweet sentiment to your son. I adore these photos. He is definitely a very handsome boy, and his eyes are just so deep and beautiful. WOW...you are in trouble mama.
Beautiful pictures, I love his outfit it makes him look like such a little man.
Hey Erin - sorry it took awhile to comment - but I just LOVE these pics of Jake! I can't believe you say he is hard to photograph, from the looks of this session! These are just awesome pictures. Thanks for sharing!
What a cutie - those eyes are amazing!
He's got gorgeous baby blues! He looks like he is full of life, mischief and personality. I bet he keeps you on your toes and constantly laughing. He's adorable :)
he's a cutie pie! way to capture that personality!
Love the hat! What a great smile too!
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