I have to say that I am the perfect wife. I know that sounds conceited, but my husband told me that I was--therefore it must be true! Okay, let me give some background. My husband is turning the big 3-0 in about a week so I knew that this year I had to do something outstanding for him. I didn't want to do the typical card, cake and balloons type deal so I really searched and searched. In the end my mom helped me to find the PERFECT gift!
Greg, as many of you know is a die hard Houston Astros fan. He lives for baseball and despite their track record loves this team without fail. For any fellow baseball fans out there, many of you know that a lot of teams go down to Orlando each spring for Spring Training at Disney's Wide World of Sports complex. This year was no different.
Looking at the schedule it was found that the Astros would be playing against the Braves over a 4 day period with the final game on a Sunday. I called my mom to get us tickets and the plan began to get into motion. In the span of just a couple of days I was able to secure airfare for us to Florida, a babysitter for Jake (thanks grandma and grandpa) and VIP Skybox seating for us for the game. Now for the tricky part---I had to call Greg's master chief and BEG him to give him a day off for this weekend of surprise. Of course being such a great guy, MC had no problem giving him the day and keeping the surprise up until the very end.
The day arrived and I called Greg to tell him that our water heater had exploded in the garage and all of our stuff was flooded/destroyed! MC of course I could hear laughing in the background because he knew it was a total farce and just an excuse to get Greg home! Greg, got home in record time to find bags packed and airplane tickets in hand. He was a bit confused but he rolled with the punches considering he was planning on how much a new water heater was going to cost and not about what a great weekend we were going to have!
All in all, the weekend was a blast. The Astros ended up losing to the braves in the bottom of the 8th 3-2, but that's okay. We got to see some of our favorite guys (Yay Berkman and Pence!) and got to see the talent of some newbies for this year. We got to spend time with family and friends for a day as well which was a great way to finish out a fabulous birthday weekend---therefore sealing my title as the Perfect Wife!